December 11th, 2014
DreamBox is an online, math program that supports students at their level of understanding, and helps all students improve their understanding of Number Sense including basic facts and computations. DreamBox is a learning tool designed to support regular classroom mathematics instruction and contains appropriate mathematics content for students from Kindergarten to Grade 8.
DreamBox will also provide parents/guardians with real-time reports about what their child is learning and some ideas of how to support their learning with activities outside of DreamBox.
DreamBox is optimally used for a total of 60 – 90 minutes per week in 20 – 30 minute sessions. Two to three sessions per week are ideal. It diagnoses each student’s individual learning needs and determines and closes gaps in understanding.
The Waterloo Region District School Board has purchased DreamBox Learning Math licenses for every student in grades 1/2 (Mrs. Gray), 2 (Ms. Even) and 2/3 (Miss Simon) for the 2014-15 school year. Students in these grades were selected for DreamBox licenses in an effort to identify and close any gaps in learning in Number Sense at an early age.
In response to numerous requests from parents of children in other grades, the Waterloo Region District School Board has arranged for interested parents to purchase their own DreamBox licenses for students at a reduced rate of $20 (U.S. funds) per license. This license would last until the end of August 2015. The regular DreamBox pricing for parents is $12.95 per month (U.S. funds). In order to use DreamBox at home you will need a computer with a web browser or an Ipad and internet access.
Please watch for a letter to come home with your child(ren) with instructions for purchasing DreamBox.
This product is not available to purchase through School-Day