
We have had a significant increase in the amount of late students over the past few weeks.  Students are considered late if they are not in their classroom when O Canada begins (which is about 5 minutes after the entry bell rings). Students should arrive at school in time to walk around to the back and use their assigned entry doors, not the front door.  Please encourage and assist your child(ren) in getting to school on time – being punctual is a desirable trait that will last a lifetime.

As the cold weather is now here, students are coming to school with more removable clothing.  Please ensure that this clothing is labelled so it can be returned if lost.  Our lost and found will be on display during the week of December 12th and any unclaimed items will be washed and donated the following week.

The minutes from this month’s School Council meeting are available under the School Council tab.

On Wednesday our students participated in a bus evacuation drill.  This drill is performed yearly to ensure students know how to respond in the event of an emergency evacuation while riding the school bus.

Our winter concert is fast approaching and the choirs have been practising often.  Admission to this concert is a donation of a non-perishable food item for the Cambridge Firefighters Basket Fund.  Not sure what to donate?  Food banks are always in need of pasta (canned or dry) and pasta sauces, canned meats and fish, meat alternatives (peanut butter, soy, assorted nuts), canned and powdered dairy, canned vegetables and fruit, whole grain cereal, infant foods and baby formula, bathroom tissues and diapers, and personal hygiene products.  More information from Mrs. Skinkle will be coming home shortly.

Mad Science is coming! Watch for registration forms to come home in early January with your child(ren) in grades 1 – 6.  This after-school activity will run from January 30th to April 3rd and will end at 4:10 p.m. each Monday.

Upcoming Events:

December 15                Winter Concert – admission is a non-perishable food item
Dec. 26-Jan. 6 (incl.)  Christmas Break – school closed
January 8                      Pizza orders due on School-Day
January 17                    School Council meeting 6:30 pm in the library
January 27                    PA Day – no school for students
January 30                    Mad Science begins
February 20                   Family Day – school closed
February 22                   Grade 8 and SK graduation pictures
March 13 – 17               March Break